Manufacturing Group Reduces IT Costs with a Centrally Managed Infrastructure and Entuity Network Management


十大赌博正规老平台于全球不断增长的制造和分销企业, a global customer-specific components manufacturing company required a solution to automate its network management to reduce operational costs and improve end-user service availability. 选择Entuity是因为它的企业级功能, 实时网络监控, 信息的准确性, 与BMC TrueSight运营管理集成.



  • 4100专业人士


  • 超过21个国家在欧洲,北美和亚洲


  • 企业网络管理

With a global manufacturing and distribution network of more than 65 sites in 21 countries throughout Europe, 北美, 和亚洲, 对客户进行集中管理和十大赌博正规老平台, precision formed components company’s critical business services for the more than 4100 employees may seem an insurmountable task. 但对于这个制造集团来说,这只是平常的一天. 基于位于瑞士的两个集中数据中心, 所有公司的主营业务, 沟通, 存储, 会计, 客户管理, 订购系统是为了实现最高效率和易于维护而托管的. Connecting users at all of these sites — and the group to its 客户 — is a complex and distributed network infrastructure providing the foundation for business productivity.

该集团由四个业务部门组成,其中包括一个内部IT十大赌博正规老平台提供商. 尽管他们的产品线和十大赌博正规老平台的市场是多样化的, 它们都共享主要的电子商务系统.

Worldwide access to the group’s business applications depends on the availability of their LAN and WAN network environments. 确保他们的网络得到最佳部署和有效执行, 该集团依靠Entuity作为其主要的网络管理解决方案. 保持用户在所有这些站点的工作效率需要继续, uninterrupted operation of the applications and electronic systems for their particular business unit. 业务十大赌博正规老平台,如供应链管理(SCM), 企业资源计划(ERP), 先进产品质量计划(APQP), 财务与会计, 人力资源, 仓库系统都是由数据中心集中提供的. 集团的会计制度, 哪个是基于SAP的, features a variety of modules that store critical transactional information in Oracle databases for all locations. 确保安全, 备份, 电子记录的寿命, 所有关键业务数据也集中存储.

Connecting all the sites is an intricate and distributed network based on Internet-VPN or MPLS links. 就像身体的动脉, 网络承载着这些关键的业务系统,为企业提供生命之血, 保持活力, 日益增长的, 高效地执行. 如果网络宕机,甚至速度很慢,用户的工作效率至少会受到负面影响. 如果有网络中断, customer transactions could be interrupted resulting in lost business revenue and driving down profitability. 一个典型的例子是法国瓦朗斯的一个部门使用的仓库系统. 基于瑞士托管的SAP TRM安装, 所有客户订单都作为仓库事务通过网络接收和发送. 如果网络中断, 不会处理任何订单, 仓库人员将不会被派遣, 货物也不会被运送出去. 网络连接的重要性同样适用于办公基础设施, 商业沟通将在哪里受到威胁.

With the availability and capacity of the network such a significant factor in providing business services, 需要一个能够主动通知问题的多功能网络管理系统. One that included a broad range of device and operational thresholds to alert IT staff of problems so they could be fixed before any users experienced service outages or degradation. A network management solution containing the complete breadth of functionality required by network administrators, and one that was fully integrated with their strategic Business Service Management (BSM) platform based on BMC Service Assurance products.

使用Entuity, 该小组已经实施了一个网络管理解决方案,解决了他们的运营挑战. 与Entuity, IT personnel have a top-down view of their entire network with separate views for each business location. The views include logical collections of all the network components that serve a particular business unit (comprising both local devices and central devices) to provide performance and operational forensics from the user’s perspective. This gives IT staff the information and insight required to make informed decisions about capacity and availability for optimum service delivery.

“Entuity为我们提供了一个自上而下的、以业务为中心的网络视图,这是我们以前所没有的,他们的技术经理说 & 操作. “This gives us clear visibility from a user’s perspective to the complete infrastructure serving each location, 包括本地设施和中央操作中心的设备, 更好地管理和可靠地向我们的用户社区提供十大赌博正规老平台.”

使用Entuity进行BMC TrueSight操作管理, the company was able to integrate monitoring and management of their network into their BSM platform to further automate infrastructure support. 实时网络监控是由Entuity完成的. Performance or operational events reported by Entuity are then forwarded to TrueSight for correlation and processing. BMC’s Alarm Point is then used to automatically route incidents to the correct IT personnel including Help Desk as well as second-level support. Not only do incidents get solved faster having the appropriate and most experienced personnel assigned, but overall staff efficiency has improved since all staff are not distracted assessing trouble tickets which don’t apply to them.

Centralizing their IT infrastructure has helped the group reduce costs by providing economies of scale in several ways. Internet-VPN连接能力强, real-time monitoring provide lower cost transport than dedicated connection services with expensive SLAs.

互联网十大赌博正规老平台提供商的数量和种类使得竞争激烈而成本低廉. Housing applications and data 存储 centrally reduces maintenance time and costs and provides a consistency of service to end users. 它还简化了远程设施的硬件需求. Automating the alerting and incident assignment processes reduces end-user disruption and improves IT operation’s efficiency. 通过在BSM系统中组合事件信息,减少了终端用户十大赌博正规老平台的停机时间. 有了这些监控和管理系统,包括Entuity, they can provide a high-level of service to thousands of users in more than 65 locations around the world with just 2 full-time equivalents in network administration.

该集团在运营其业务部门时使用的电量越来越令人担忧. 它不仅对运营成本有影响, 还有环境和企业周围的社区. 展示他们对环境的承诺, 可持续性, 并尽量减少它们对全球气候变化的影响, 他们致力于可持续发展和资源保护, 并将其视为旨在确保公司未来的基本任务. 节约能源是评估商业伙伴关系的标准之一.

-技术经理 & 操作

Entuity’s Green IT Perspective gives the group visibility and insight into the power consumption of their various business units. Reports from the Green IT Perspective detail the amount of power used by groups or individuals and their compliance with established shutdown policies that are designed to save power. 他们还量化了潜在的节约领域. 报告与用户共享,以促进额外的节省, building awareness and personal responsibility for how their use of corporate computer resources impacts the company. 绿色IT视角还确定了未充分利用的十大赌博正规老平台器. 应用程序可以是资源级的,从而有效地利用计算能力.

企业免去了网络管理的工作. 我们的高度自动化, Uni企业级解决方案将深度网络洞察置于您的指尖, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects and easily integrates with major frameworks and networking environments. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动. 由两位金融行业的高级IT主管于1997年创立, Entuity总部设在伦敦,美国业务设在波士顿.

请继续浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于Entuity软件™或ParkView的信息 网络管理十大赌博正规老平台.